ble Council enter the House and acquaint Mr Speaker That
his Excy the Governor commands him and the whole House
to attend him at the Council Chamber to see the Laws made
this Session sealed and his Excy pass the Royal Assent thereto.
The House accordingly adjourns to the Council Chamber
where Mr Speaker presented the following Bills to his Excy
the Gov. for the Royal Assent to be given thereto Viz.
A Bill for reviving and continuing an Act of Assembly of
this Province Entituled an Act for the Ordering and regulating
the Militia of this Province for the better Security and Defence
thereof and for supplying some Defects therein.
A Bill for laying an Imposition of 3d p Hhd oh Tobo for
defraying the Charge of the Province.
A Bill for relieving the Inhabitonts of this Province from
some Aggrievances in the Prosecution of Suits at Law.
A Bill reviving a certain Act of Assembly of this Province
Entituled an Act for Limitation of Officers Fees and for sup-
plying some Defects therein And also reviving another Act
of Assembly of this Province Entituled an Act explaining
some doubtful Expressions in the Act for Limitation of Offi-
cers Fees.
All and every of which said several Bills his Excy the Govr
was pleased to Enact and make into Laws by sealing each of
them with the great Seal of this Province and indorsing each
of them in the following Manner Viz.
July the 3d 1714
On Behalf of her Sacred Majesty Queen Ann of Great
Britain &ca I will this be a Law
John Hart