It is thereupon Ordered That the said Bill be committed to
the Committee of Laws for the said Amendments.
Mr Tyler from the Committee of Aggrievances delivers Mr
Speaker the following Report from the Committee of Aggriev-
ances which is ordered to be entered as follows Viz.
By the Committee of Aggrievances
July 2d 1714
We find in the Journal of the House of October Assembly
1709 that the following Aggrievances amongst sundry others
were offered Viz.
It was then reported and Resolved by the House as an
Aggrievance that several Places of Profit within this Province
were in the Hands of one Person which Offices would be
better officiated and Business better done and sooner dis-
patched if the Places were in the Hands of several Persons
and be sufficient to maintain them; besides it is a great Dis-
couragement to the several Inhabitants of this Province who
are well qualified for such Places that Persons less deserving
and not qualified according to Law hold Places of Profit and
many Times one Person several Offices. Also it was then
Reported to and Resolved by the said House as an Aggriev-
ance that Places of Trust and Profit especially the Sheriff's
Office had been sold to such Persons as would give most
money or Tobacco for them whereby several Persons have
been commissionated that are very uncapable and not qualified
and of too mean Capacity and Estate to execute and perform
their Duties and Offices and the Inhabitants much hereby
aggrieved and oppressed and very slender security given for
performing their Offices whereby great Losses had and then
were likely to happen to her Majesty's Subjects within this
Province. Which were then unanimously Resolved by all the
House to be Aggrievances and thereupon a Conferrence was
prayed by the House that some Members of her Majty's
Honble Council might join with some Members of that House
to consider of a proper Method to redress them and there-
upon a Conferrence was accordingly appointed who as to the
two Aggrievances above mentioned Reported as foll. Viz.