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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 25, 1711-October 19, 1714
Volume 29, Page 415   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 415

By the House of Delegates
30th June 1714.

Read again with the Amendments and Ordered to be in-
Signed p Order Thos Macnemara Cl. Ho. Del.

The House adjourns till to Morrow Morning 8 O'Clock.
Die Jovis 1o Julij, 1714

L. H . J.
Lib. 41

Then the House met again according to Adjournmt Pres-
ent as Yesterday
A Motion being made and the Question put whether the
Act for regulating and ordering the Militia of this Province
for the better Defence thereof shall be revived adding the
Clauses in the last Act for reviving the same made last Ses-
sions to endure for 3 years and the End of the next Sessions
after the 3 years? Resolved in the Affirmative by Majority of

Ordered the Committee of Laws prepare and bring in this
Morning a Bill for reviving an Act Entituled an Act for regu-
lating and ordering the Militia of this Province for the better
Defence thereof adding the Clauses in the Act for reviving
the same made last Sessions to endure for 3 years and the
End of the next Sessions of Assembly after the 3 years
A Bill reviving and continuing an Act of Assembly of this
Province Entituled an Act for the ordering and regulating the
Militia of this Province for the better Security and Defence
thereof and for supplying some Defects therein was read the
first and second Time by especial Order and ordered to be
endorsed thus Viz.

By the House of Delegates
Thursday Ist July 1714

Read the Ist and 2d Time by especial Order and will pass.
Signed p Order. Tho. Macnemara Cl. Ho. Del.

Sent up by Colo Mackall, Major Woolford, Major Sprigg,
Capt Mariarte, Capt. Ennalls, Capt. Codd, Capt. Docwra and
Capt. Jowles to the H on ble Council.
They return and say they delivered the same.
Capt. Thomas Docwra agreeth to compleat and finish the
House he undertook on the 13th of Nov. 1713 to build to lodge
the publick Arms in by the first Day of October next the

p. 450

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 25, 1711-October 19, 1714
Volume 29, Page 415   View pdf image (33K)
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