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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 25, 1711-October 19, 1714
Volume 29, Page 414   View pdf image (33K)
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414 Assembly Proceedings, June 22-July 3, 1714.

L. H. J.

Lib. 41

ance this Afternoon at three of the Clock in Order to see the
Royal Assent given to the Bill of 3d p Hhd.

I am, Sir, Your Humble Servant
Jo. Hart.

Pursuant to which Order the House adjourns to the Coun-
cil Chamber to see his Excy give the Assent on Behalf of her
Majesty to an Act for settling a Revenue on her Majesty's
present Governor, Which said Bill his Excy the Govr was
pleased to enact into a Law by sealing it with the great Seal
of this Province and indorsing it in the following Words viz.

30th June 1714

On Behalf of her Sacred Majesty Queen Ann of Great
Britain &c. I will this be a Law.
Jo. Hart

After which Mr Speaker with the Rest of the Members
returned to the House and met. All present as in the After-
A Bill for Limitation of Officers Fees sent up to the Honble
Council by Major Woolford, Capt. Mariarte, Major Sprigg,
Mr John Whittington, Mr William Whittington, Capt. Cood,
Mr Vanderheyden, Colo Hammond, Mr Kenelm Cheseldine,
Capt. Greenfield, John Purnell, James Mackall and Capt.
Thomas Docwra
They return and say they delivered the Bill.
Colo Edward Lloyd, Colo Holland, Colo Coursey, Colo Young
and Colo Whittington from the Honble Council delivered Mr
Speaker the Bill for relieving the Inhabitants of this Province
from some Aggrievances in the Prosecution of Suits at Law,
thus endorsed —
June the 30th 1714

Read in Council and will pass with the following Amend-
ments Viz. Fo. 5
Instead of above £100 Sterl. or thirty thousand Pounds of
Tobo it be expressed £20 Sterl. or five thousand Pounds of
Tobo but above the Sum of two hundred Pounds of Tobo or
sixteen Shillings and Eight Pence Current Money adding the
Words and give Judgment for the just Balance with Costs
of Suit
Signed p Order W. Bladen Cl. Con.

A Bill for relieving the Inhabitants of this Province from
some Aggrievances in the Prosecution of Suits at Law.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 25, 1711-October 19, 1714
Volume 29, Page 414   View pdf image (33K)
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