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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 25, 1711-October 19, 1714
Volume 29, Page 412   View pdf image (33K)
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412 Assembly Proceedings, June 22- July 3, 1714.

L. H. J.
Lib. 41

By his Excy the Govr and Council in Assembly
June 29th 1714.

Since the Bill for settling a Revenue upon her Majesty's
present Governor has passed all the Requisites in your House
as well as at this Board being ingrossed, read, and fully
assented to both by your House and this Board and only sent
down to you to inform you thereof his Excy the Govr with the
Advice of this Board has thought fit to require you to lay the
said Bill before him whom it properly ought to be laid before
for his Consideration thereof.

Signed p Order W. Bidden Cl. Conl.

A Bill for Limitation of Officers Fees read the first and
second Time by especial Order and ordered to be indorsed
thus Viz.
By the House of Delegates
29th June 1714

Read the first and second Time by especial Order and will
Signed p Order Tho. Macnemara Cl. Ho. Del.

Mr Bernard White is appointed Clerk Assistant to the Clerk
of this House

The House adjourns till to Morrow Morning 8 O'Clock.

Wednesday 30th June 1714.
Then the House being called over was present as yesterday.
Then was read what was done yesterday
A Motion being made and the Question put whether the
Bill for settling a Revenue on her Majesty's present Govr
shall be sent up to his Excy for his Assent thereto on Behalf
of her Majesty, It is resolved in the Affirmative by Majority
of Votes.
Ordered the said Bill be sent up with the following Message

By the House of Delegates
30th June 1714

p. 448

We finding that the Intent of our Present of 3d p Hhd to
your Excy will in a great measure be eluded the Ships laden
with Tobo Daily departing this Province if the passing the
same into a Law should be deferred Pray your Excy to appoint
us a Time to attend on your Excy with the Bill for settling a

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 25, 1711-October 19, 1714
Volume 29, Page 412   View pdf image (33K)
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