An Act reviving and continuing an Act of Assembly of this
Province Entituled an Act for ordering and regulating the
Militia of this province for the better Security & defence there-
of and for supplying some defects therein
An Act reviving a certain Act of Assembly of this Province
Entituled an Act for Limitation of Officers fees & for sup-
plying some Defects therein & also reviving another Act of
Assembly of this Province Entituled an Act explaining some
doubtful Expressions in the Act for Limitation of Officers fees
An Act laying an Imposition of 3d p hhd on tobo for defray-
ing the publick Charge of this Province
An Act for relieving the Inhabitants of this province from
some Aggrievances in the prosecution of Suits at Law
Which being Sealed with the great Seal used in this Prov-
ince in the presence of the members of her Majesty's honble
Council & House of Delegates his Excellency on behalf of
her most Sacred Majesty assented thereto.
After which his Excellency declared that with the Advice of
her Majesty's Honble Council He thought fit to prorogue this
General Assembly till the fifth day of October next to which
time they were accordingly prorogued
Thus Ended this Session of Assembly 3d July 1714.
William Bladen Cl Coun.