By the Council in Assembly
July the 3d 1714
Gentlemen —
Your message with the Report of the Committee of Ag-
grievances being read at this Board the Consideration thereof
is referred to the next Session of Assembly
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Coun.
The said Gentlemen also brought up the Bill for reviving
the Act for Limitation of Officers fees & Supplying some
Defects therein
Mr Tyler and five more brought up the following Message
By the House of Delegates
July the 3d 1714
This House being desirous to keep a good Correspondence
with your Honours and to End this Session with the like
good temper It was opened Pray your Honours to appoint
some members of your Honble Board to join in a Conference
with some members of this House about inserting the Clause
relating to Attornys Fees where the Demand Exceeds ten
pounds or two thousd pounds of Tobo in the Bill for relieving
the Inhabitants of this province from some Aggrievances in
the prosecution of Suits at Law
Signed p order Thos Macnemara Cl Ho Del.
Whereto the following answer was sent to the House
By the Council in Assembly
July the 3d 1714