time to time as may be Sufficient for defraying the necessary
Charges of this Province. And It is our firm resolution that
nothing shall be wanting in us necessary to obviate any
Emergency that may happen having the Assistance of her
Majesty's Favour and permission that we may enquire &
Examine how such Supplys are raised
With your Excellency's favour We beg leave to assure you
that some Provision is already made for the Preservation of
the Arms already provided for the defence of this Province
And that we shall be ready to make a further Provision if It
shall be thought necessary. And we cannot be so much want-
ing to ourselves as not to own her Sacred Majesty's princely
regard of us in recommending this particular (a thing that so
nearly concerns us) to your Excell as a part of your Instruc-
tions, It being our Desire and should be of all those that love