To the Sheriff of Queen-Anne's County, Fourteen Hundred
Pounds of Tobacco, who is hereby also obliged to convey all
such Letters and Packets as are directed to the City of Annap-
olis, to the said City.
To the Sheriff of Cecil County, One Thousand Pounds of
Tobacco, who is also obliged to convey all such Letters and
Packets as are directed to the Northward, to the Town of
New-Castle upon Delaware.
To the Sheriff of Talbot County, Eight Hundred Pounds of
To the Sheriff of Kent County, Six Hundred Pounds of
To the Sheriff of Dorchester County, Six Hundred Pounds
of Tobacco.
And to the Sheriff of Somerset County, Six Hundred
Pounds of Tobacco.
To the Sheriff of Calvert County, Eight Hundred Pounds
of Tobacco.
To the Sheriff of Charles County, Eight Hundred Pounds
of Tobacco.
To the Sheriff of St. Mary's County, Eight Hundred Pounds
of Tobacco
To the Sheriff of Prince-Georges County, Six Hundred
Pounds of Tobacco.
And to the Sheriff of Baltimore County, Six Hundred
Pounds of Tobacco.
Which said several and respective Sums of Tobacco shall
be annually allowed and paid to the Sheriffs aforesaid; in
Consideration whereof the Sheriffs of the said several and
respective Counties shall defray all such Charges as shall
accrue by Reason of conveying of such Letters or Packets ;
any former Law, Usage or Custom to the contrary notwith-
IV. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid,
That such Public Letters and Packets be endorsed, For her
Majesty's Service, and with the Person's Name that send them.
And if any Person or Persons whatsoever, shall, at any Time
after the Publication of this Act, presume to endorse any Letter
or Letters, Packet or Packets, so as aforesaid, which are not
for the Public Service, he, or they, shall forfeit and pay for
such Offence Five Hundred Pounds of Tobacco, to be recov-
ered in any of her Majesty's Courts of Record within this
Province, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information;
wherein no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law shall be