At a Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of
Annapolis in the County of Ann Arundel, the 27th day of
October, and ended the 14th day of November, in the 12th
year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady, Anne, Queen of
Great Britain, France, and Ireland Defender of the Faith, etc.
Annoq. Domini 1713, were enacted the Laws following.
Edward Lloyd, Esq., President.
An Act for the more speedy conveying Public Letters and
Packets of this Province, and defraying the Charge thereof;
and to prevent the Abuses of breaking open, and conceal-
ing any Letters whatsoever.
Forasmuch as several of the Inhabitants of this Province
have been formerly subject to great and manifest Inconven-
iencies by pressing of Horses, under Pretext of carrying and
conveying Public Letters and Packets: For Prevention where-
of, and that due Care may be taken for the future, that all
Public Letters and Packets, relating to her Majesty's, or the
Public Service of this Province, be securely and expeditiously
conveyed, according to their Directions, the Delegates of this
present General Assembly do pray that it may be Enacted ;
II And be it Enacted, by the Queen's most excellent Maj-
esty, by and with the Advice and Consent of her Majesty's
President, Council, and Assembly of this Province, and the
Authority of the same, That the Sheriff of each respective
County is hereby enjoined and commanded to take Care of all
Public Letters and Packets, and expeditiously convey them,
according to their respective Directions, to the next Sheriff or
Under-Sheriff of the next adjacent County.
III. And for the Encouragement of the several and respect-
ive Sheriffs, and their Diligence in conveying such Public
Letters and Packets, that they may be allowed the several
Sums hereafter expressed, to be laid in the Public Levy of
this Province, That is to say ;
To the Sheriff of Ann- Arundel County, Fifteen Hundred
Pounds of Tobacco, who is hereby obliged to convey all such
Letters and Packets as are directed, and must go over to the
Eastern Shore, to Kent-Island, and there to be delivered to
the Sheriff of Queen-Anne's County, or his Deputy.