Colo Whittington from the Council enters the House and
delivers Mr Speaker the Journal of the Committee of Accounts
assented to by the Council and a Message that the Honble
Council had appointed Colo Greenberry and Colo Whittington
to join the Members of this House to apportion the publick
Levy. Thereupon ordered the Members of this House join
The Honble Colo Addison and Colo Tilghman deliver Mr
Speaker the following Message Viz.
By the Honble President and Council in Assembly
Nov. 9th 1713
On Saturday last the Honble President received a Letter
from the Right Honble the Lords of Trade and Plantations of
the 14th of July wherein is the following Clause Viz. The Acts
which we have reced shall be considered at the first Oppor-
tunity and our Opinion thereupon transmitted to you. In the
mean Time we must observe upon the Act for regulating
Writs of Errors and granting Appeals from and to the Courts
of Common Law within this Province that by her Majesty's
Instructions you are required to endeavour to get a Law
passed where the Method and Limitations of Appeals from
the inferior Courts to the Governor and Council may be set-
tled and restrained but you are not to Enact any Thing that
her Majesty has already settled by her Instructions: And
therefore all that Clause in the aforesaid Act which relates to
Appeals from the Governor and Councill to her Majesty
ought to be left out the same being sufficiently provided for
as aforesaid. We advise you therefore to endeavour to get
a New Law passed without the said Clause else we shall be
obliged to lay the same before her Majesty for her Disallow-
ance. We therefore recommend to you to reenact that Law
this Session agreable to their Lordships kind Intimation omit-
ting the Clause directing Appeals to her Majesty
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl. Co.