126 Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 28-Nov. 15, 1712.
L. H. J.
Somerset County
Prince George's County
Lib. 41
Mr Samuel Worthington
Mr Robert Tyler
Mr William Whittington
Mr Thomas Sprigg
Mr John Purnell
Mr Thomas Clagett
Mr Thomas Purnell
Dorchester County
Queen Ann's County
Mr Roger Woolford
Mr Solomon Wright
Mr Henry Ennalls
Mr John Whittington
Mr Govert Lockerman
Mr Charles Wright
Mr John Wells.
Cecil County
Mr James ffrisby
Ordered Mr Robert Tyler and Mr Robert Ungle attend the
Honble President and Council and inform that Board a suffi-
cient Number of Members are met to make a House.
The Honble Samuel Young, John Hall, Charles Greenberry
and William Whittington Esquires Members of her Majestys
Honble Council and William Bladen Esq. Clerk of the Coun-
cil enter the House and by Virtue of her Majesty's Commis-
sion of Dedimus potestatem directed to the said four Coun-
cillors to administer to the several Members aforesaid the
Oaths appointed to be taken by Acts of Parliament.
p. 335
The several Members in the Presence of the said Coun-
cillors took the said Oaths, signed the Test and Oath of
Abjuration, and the Honble Gentlemen of the Council and
their Clerk withdrew
Ordered Mr Tyler, Mr Hill, & Mr John Whittington attend
the Honble President and Council and inform their Honours
the Members here met are ready to attend their Honours
The Honble Samuel Young and John Dorsey Esquires
enter the House and inform the Members the Honble Presi-
dent commands them immediately to attend him in the Coun-
cil Chamber
The several Members repair to the Council Chamber and
being admitted at that Board the Honble President commanded
them to repair to their own House and choose their Speaker
and present him.
The Members enter the House and there choose Mr Robert
Tyler a Member returned for Prince George's County for their
Speaker and place him in the Chair.
The House repair to the Council Chamber to present their