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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732-1753
Volume 28, Page 511   View pdf image (33K)
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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1751. 511

In Testimony that the aforegoing is a True
[Seal] Copy from Liber D D No 6. folio 191, the Seal of
the Prerogative Office at the City of Annapolis is
hereunto affixed this 1st day of November 1750.
p Richard Dorsey Regr Cur. Prer.

Which being Seen heard and fully understood Mature
deliberation being thereupon also had it is Ordered by the
Court that the Children of Solomon Jones who died a Protest-
ant be removed from the Care of Dennis Burne and James
Burne who are Deemed Papists unto the Custody & Care of
William Jones to be brought up and Educated in the Protest-
ant Religion and that the Interest of the Estate be Paid to the
said William Jones for the Support of the Orphans, And that
they Continue with the said William Jones untill such time as
some other Protestant Relation whom the Court shall approve
of will take and bring them up in the Protestant Religeon
Whereupon the said Dennis and James by their Attorney
aforesd Pray an Appeal from the said Judgment of the Court
to the Honourable the Governor and Council, which was
In Testimony that the aforegoing is a True
[Seal] Copy taken from the Records of St Marys County
Court the Publick Seal of the said County is here-
unto Affixed this 8th day of April 1751
p Richard Ward Key Clk Com. Predt

Lib. C. B.

Upon reading and considering the aforesaid Transcript It
is the Opinion of this Board and ruled accordingly that the
Judgment of the County Court be affirmed unless Cause be
shewn to the Contrary by Tuesday the Eleventh Day of June

At a Council held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday the
4th Day of June in the 37th year of his Lordps Dominion
Annoq Domini 1751

His Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor

p. 444

The honble -

Benjamin Tasker Esqr
Col George Plater
Edmund Jenings Esqr
Col Charles Hammond
Sam Chamberlain Esqr

Daniel Dulany Esqr
Col Edward Lloyd
Richard Lee Esqr
Benedict Calvert Esqr

Mr John Beall of Prince Georges County prefers to this
Board the following Petition.


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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732-1753
Volume 28, Page 511   View pdf image (33K)
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