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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732-1753
Volume 28, Page 510   View pdf image (33K)
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510 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1751.

Lib. C. B.

Secondly it is my Will and desire that the remainder of my
Estate be equally divided among my four Children Margaret,
Monocy, Walter and Bridgett at the discretion of my Exec-
utors hereafter named.
Thirdly it is my will and desire that all my Children and
Estate be & Remain in the Care and tuition of my two brothers
Dennis Burne & James Burne untill they shall Arrive to full
age that is my Sons to the Age of Twenty one years and my
daughters to the age of Sixteen years or the day of Marriage
which shall first happen.
Fourthly it is my Will & desire that my two brothers before
mentioned shall Settle my deceased husbands Estate with the
Commissary in behalf of my Children and it is my true Intent
and meaning that if the Court should see fit to Move my
Children out of the care of my two brothers that their Estates
shall Still be and remain in their Possession to keep for the
good & Safety of my said Children.
Fourthly I do hereby Revoke and make void all Wills by
me made and Ordain this to be my last Will and Testament
and do hereby Constitute and appoint my two brothers Dennis
Burne and James Burne my full and Joynt Executors in Exe-
cuting thereof and it is my full desire that my Son Solomon and

my daughter Bridgett do Live with my brother James Burne,

p. 443

and my daughters Margarett and Monocy and my Son Walter
with my brother Dennis Burn. In Witness whereof I have
hereunto Set my hand and Seal this the 3d day of February
1749. her
Catherine X Jones [Seale]
Signed Sealed in the Presence of Mary x Martin,
her mark
Sarah x Hopkins, John Conally.

At the foot of the aforegoing Will was thus written sst

St Marys County sst February 28th 1749. Then Mary
Martin and John Conally two of the Subscribing Witnesses to
the foregoing Will being duly and Solemnly Sworn on the
Holy Evangels of Almighty God Depose and Say that they
Saw the Testator Catherine Jones Sign the foregoing Will
and heard her Publish and declare to be her last Will and
Testament. That at the Time of her so doing She was to the
best of their Apprehension of Sound and disposing mind &
Memory and that they Saw Sarah Hopkins Sign the same as
a Witness to the said Will in the Presence of the said Testatrix.
Sworn to before me Tho: Asquith Depty Comry of St Marys

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732-1753
Volume 28, Page 510   View pdf image (33K)
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