said Rumney to some Magistrate in Virginia in order to his
being tryed there, which, being prepared, issued as follows
Maryland ss.
Whereas It appears to us the Subscribers the Governor and
Council of the Province of Maryland in Council met That a
Certain Edward Rumney is charged upon Oath with Aiding
and assisting a certain Low and others in the treasonable
Practices of Coining counterfeiting and uttering many base
Double Doublosons in the Colony of Virginia And Whereas
Proclamation hath been issued by the President of his Majestys
Council & Commander in Chief of that Colony for the Appre-
hending the said Edward Rumney, & carrying or Causing
him to be carried into Virginia where the fact is Charged to
have been Committed in order that he may be dealt with
according to Law And thereby desiring the Governors of the
Neighbouring Colonies and Provinces to be assisting in bring-
ing the said offenders to Justice And Whereas the said Edward