His Excellency is pleased to lay before this Board the fol-
lowing Letters received from the President of Virginia
20 August 1750
I am to beg the Favour of your Excellency to order some
proper Measures to be taken to send back to this Colony one
Edward Rumney formerly a Tavern Keeper in Annapolis, he
is accused of being in Concert with One Lowe Jackson of
Nansemond County who is supposed to have coined a great
Number of Double Doubloons of base Metal gilt, many of
which this Rumney has uttered and is Supposed to be returned
to Maryland It is a Practice of Mischievous Consequence to
the Community, and very proper measures here will be taken
to Prevent its Progress, I am with great Regard and Esteem
Your Excellencys Most Obed' & Most Humble Serv'
Thomas Lee
August 21. 1750
I am obliged to trouble your Excellency again about those
Coiners and their Accomplices, the inclosed Proclamations &
the Depositions will Shew your Excellency the whole matter
as I know it: I beg you will be Pleased to forward some of
the Proclamations to the Northern Governments, it is a case
that may Affect every one more or less.