Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1746. 357
loyalty towards his most sacred Majesty King George or to
the Interruption of the Peace and Quiet of this Province
As Nothing can give greater Alarms to his Majtys well
affected Subjects than frequent Meetings of People and
Negroes under Pretence of divine Worship, I cannot discharge
my Duty if I do not acquaint you It is expected your Relig-
ious Duties be complyed with (as they surely may) without
such Concourse of People as may give Suspicion of something
else being designed than a bare Exercise of Religion.
Lib. C. B.
24th April 1746
Ordered by His Excellency the Goveruor that the following
Proclamation issue
P. 256
Maryland ss.
By His Excellency Thomas Bladen Esqr Governor &
Commander in Chief in & over the Province of
A Proclamation
Whereas a most wicked and unnatural Rebellion has been
carryed on in Great Britain in favour of a Popish Pretender
to his Majestys Crown and Kingdoms, And Whereas by the
Blessing of Almighty God and his Majestys Endeavours the
same is now happily defeated I have therefore thought fit
with the Advice of his Lordships Council of State to publish
and declare that Wednesday being the fourteenth of June
next be appointed a Day of Publick Thanksgiving for the
happy Period put to a Rebellion so wickedly begun and
carryed on, and to joyn in Prayers to Almighty God to con-
tinue his Blessings to his Majesty's Royal Person and Family,
And I do strictly charge and require the several Sheriffs of
this Province to make this my Proclamation publick in their
respective Counties, and also to give Notice to the Clergymen
of the several Parishes in their said Counties of this my
Proclamation that they may act conformably thereto as they
will answer the Contrary at their Peril Given at the City of
Annapolis this 24th Day of April in the 32d year of his Lord-
ships Dominion Annoq Domini 1746
At a Council held in the Council Chamber on Friday the
25th day of April in the 32d year of his Lordships Dominion
Annoq Domini 1746