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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 356   View pdf image (33K)
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356 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1745/6.

Lib. C. B.

Molyneux before this Board immediately; which Warrant
issued as follows.

Whereas Richard Molyneux a Romish Priest is represented
to be a Person very ill affected to his Majestys Person and
Government and to have behaved himself on many Occasions
in a seditious Manner contrary to his due Allegiance
You are therefore hereby required to take into your Cus-
tody the Body of him the said Richard Molyneux and him
safe keep so that you have him immediately before the Gov-
ernor and Council to answer to such Things as shall be
objected against him
Signed p Order
J Ross, G Cone.

The said Richard Molyneux in Custody of the Sheriff of
Ann Arundel County accordingly attending, is called in, to
whom his Exccy is pleased to speak as follows.

Mr Molyneux
It being the Duty of this Government as well as of All
others to provide for the Safety and Peace of the Community,

p. 255

We have thought proper to send for you before Us to acquaint
you We have received such Informations as, 'though not
thought proper to be made publick at this Time, yet that they
are such as for the present We judge it necessary to assure
Ourselves as far as We are able of your particular Conduct
by obliging you to give good security for your Behaviour,
which I must tell you has been observed to have been remark-
ably unguarded ever since your Arrival in this Province, but
which, from the time that it has been known, that an Unnat-
ural Rebellion was broke out in England, has exceeded all
the Bounds of Prudence and Decency, and has not preserved
the least Appearance of any Respect for that Government,
under which your self and those of your Communion have
been treated with the Greatest Tenderness and Lenity
However altho' We are not unacquainted with several
Facts relating to your Conduct which may affect you in a
Manner that perhaps you little think of, yet It is hoped this
present mild Treatment will have such an Effect upon your
Conduct, and that of those of your Communion as not to
make a more rigorous Execution of the Laws necessary; And
I must recommend to you, as you are said to be the Superior
of the Romish Priests in this Province to take all the Care in
your Power, that No Liberties be taken by those of your
Church either in Words or Actions which may tend to Dis-

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 356   View pdf image (33K)
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