I Thomas Bladen do swear that as Chancellor and Keeper
of the Great Seal of this Province I will well and truly serve
his Lordship the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary of
this Province and do equal Right to all his Majestys Subjects
to the best of my Understanding Skill and Knowledge I will
not debar or hinder the Prosecution of Justice nor take any
Gift Bribe Reward or Fee for the delaying thereof but will
behave myself justly and truly and hear Act Judge Decree
and Determine all matters that shall regularly come before
me for Determination according to Equity and good Consci-
ence according to the duty of my said Office and according
to the best of my Knowledge during my continuance in the
said Office or until I shall be by Lawful Authority discharged
therefrom So help me God
All which said Oaths were Administered to his Excellency
by the Members of his Lordships Honourable Council now
After taking the several Oaths aforesaid his Excellency
subscribed the Oath of Abjuration and Test according to the
directions of the Act of Assembly aforesaid
Advised, Resolved and Ordered that A Proclamation be
forthwith issued for the Publication of his Excellency the
Governors Commission and directing all Officers Civil and
Military to continue in the Execution and Discharge of their
several Offices until his Excellencys Pleasure shall be further
known, and signifyed therein, which Proclamation being pre-
pared is as follows Viz.
By his Excellency Thomas Bladen Esqr Governor and
Commander in Chief in and over the Province of
A Proclamation