so far forth as it is continued and explained by an Act giving
further Encouragement for the Importation of Naval Stores
&c. made in the Eighth year of his said late Majestys Reign
The Act to permit the Exportation of Irish Linnen Cloth to
the Plantations &ca made also in the third and fourth Years
of the same Queens Reign and continued and explained by
An Act passed in the third Year of his said late Majestys
Reign for con tinuing the Liberty of Exporting Irish Linnen
Cloth to the British Plantations in America Duty Free &ca
The Act for an Union of the two Kingdoms of England and
Scotland made in the fifth year of the same Queens Reign in
which are certain Articles relating to the Plantation Trade
more particularly the fourth fifth and Sixth The Act for
ascertaining the Rates of Foreign Coins in her Majestys Plan-
tations in America made in the Sixth year of the same Queens
Reign; The Act for the Encouragement of the Trade to
America pass'd in the same year of the said Queens Reign ;
The Act for continuing several Impositions Additional Impo-
sitions and Duties upon Goods Imported &ca And to limit a
time for prosecution upon certain Bonds given by Merchants
(called in the Act Plantation Bonds) made in the Eighth year
of the same Queens Reign; The Act against Clandestine
Running of uncustomed Goods, and for the more effectual
Preventing of Frauds relating to the Customs made in the
fifth Year of his said late Majestys Reign, And the Act giving
further Encouragement for the Importation of Naval Stores
and for other Purposes therein mentioned made in the Eighth
Year of his said late Majestys Reign; And also the Act for
the more effectual Suppressing of Piracy made in the same
Year of his late Majestys Reign now in Force relating to this
Province and in all other Acts of Parliament now in Force or
that hereafter shall be made relating to our Colonies or Plan-
tations shall be punctually and Bona fide observed according
to the true Intent and Meaning of the same Acts of Parliament
So help me God
p. 173