take more Fees on Executions or Condemnations than at the
Rate of Ten p Cent for the first five Pounds and five p Cent
for the Residue in the same Species the Executions or Con-
demnations shall be
His Excellency acquaints the Board that he has nothing of
Moment to lay before the Assembly which pursuant to the
Writts of Election was to have met on the 8th of December
next, and desires their Advice to what Time to prorogue the
same, who are of Opinion that the first Tuesday in May next
being the first Day of the same Month is the most convenient
Time, to which Time his Excellency is pleased to order that
the same be prorogued and that Proclamations issue accord-
ingly, which issued in the usual Manner
Mr Attorney General produces to this Board a Draught by
him prepared of a Commission for a President of the Council
in pursuance of his Lordships Instructions to his Excellency
the Governor bearing Date 12th of October 1737 which being
read and approved of is as follows
Maryland ss.
Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor of Maryland
To all to whom these Presents shall come Greeting.
Whereas the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary in
Order to settle the Administration of the Government of this
Province and to prevent all Inconveniencies and Disputes
concerning the same in Case of my Disability or Death by his
Lordships Instructions bearing Date in London the twelfth Day
of October One thousand seven hundred and thirty seven
hath signified his Will & Pleasure to me, that I should cause
a Commission to be drawn out & should insert in such Com-
mission the Name of such Person as I should judge most for
the Interest of this Province who in Case of my Disability or
Death should act as President of the Council in such Cases as
hath been accustomed until some Person should be sent duely