Bond whereas any other Person injured by him (Knowles)
might have brought his Action for Reparation
3d That Mr Lloyd appears judicially by suing the Bond &
recovering Judgment thereon to have been injured by the
Nonperformance of the Condition of it, and as the Bond
appears plainly to have been taken more particularly for Mr
Lloyds Benefit and Security than any Bodys else, that he was
at the Expence of commencing an Action, and recovering
Judgmt so 'tis humbly hoped his Administratrix shall be at
Liberty to take a legal Course for recovering the Money with-
out any Imputation of contending with the Rt Honble the
Lord Proprietary.
It not appearing to this Board that the Right honble the
Lord Proprietary is personally interested in the said Bond or
the Recovery had thereon; It is therefore the Opinion of this
Board that the Administratrix be at Liberty to take a legal
Course for the Recovery of the Penalty mentioned therein.
Whereas it is represented to this Board that on Executions
or Condemnations for Money several Sheriffs of this Province
have charged their Fees in Tobacco at One Penny p pound
for the Money executed for or condemned which is a great
hardship upon the People; for Reformation whereof It is this
Day ordered that for the future no Sheriff shall presume to