this Board that the said Captain George Beale should make
a more exact Enquiry of the Place where the fact was com-
mitted, that it may be certainly known whether it was done in
this Government or in the Colony of Virginia
Ordered that the Clerk of this Board draw an Order on
Col Charles Hammond Treasurer of the Western Shoar payable
to Mr Onorio Razolini or Order for forty Pounds Sterling
being his Years Salary as Armourer of this Province ending
4th June last to be paid out of the Money arising from the
Duty of Three Pence p hhd for Arms
At a Council held at the house of Mr Onorio Razolini in the
City of Annapolis on Tuesday in the Afternoon being the
Eleventh Day of July in the Twenty fourth Year of his Lord-
ships Dominion Annoq Dom. 1738
His Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor
Benjamin Tasker Esqr
George Plater Esqr
Edmund Jenings Esqr
Captain George Beale being sent for appears before this
Board, and acquaints them, that he has made all the Enquiry
he can, relating to the Murder supposed to be committed by
a Parcel of Indians upon some of the Inhabitants of this
Province; It is therefore the Opinion of this Board that it will
be needless for the said Captain Beale to make any further
Enquiry therein at present.
It appearing to this Board upon Information of Capt. George
Beale that in pursuance of his Excellencys Directions to him to
go back into the Woods and enquire into a Murder supposed to
be committed by a Parcel of Indians upon some of the Inhab-
itants of this Province, and being directed as Captain to take
along with him the Troop under his Command; he accord-
ingly commanded several belonging to his said Troop to go
along with him, which they refused to do; It is therefore the
Opinion of this Board that such Persons so refusing be pro-
ceeded against according to Law; and the said George Beale
is directed to certify to the next Justice of the Peace such their
Refusal, in Order that such further Proceedings may be had
therein as the Law directs
This Board being informed that some Persons, belonging
to the Company of foot of Captain James Edmonston, refused,
upon being legally summoned, to appear at the training Field,
in order to go back into the Woods pursuant to his Excellencys
Directions to enquire into the aforementioned Murder; It is the