. present General Assembly, and I do hereby prorogue the same
to the second Tuesday in July next being the Eleventh Day
of the same Month, And to the Intent that all Persons con-
cerned may have due Notice thereof I do strictly charge and
require the Sheriff of the County of Ann Arundel to make
this my Proclamation publick in the said County in the usual
Manner as he will answer the Contrary at his Peril Given at
the City of Annapolis this 23d Day of May in the 24th Year of
his Lordships Dominion Annoq Dom 1738.
J. Ross Cl Conc.
And It is the further Advice of this Board that His Excel-
lency be pleased to prorogue the Assembly again to some
longer Day as he shall think proper and that after such Proc-
lamation issued, he then order Writts to issue to dissolve the
17 June 1738
Ordered by His Excellency the Governor that the present
General Assembly which stands prorogued to the second
Tuesday in July next be further prorogued to the second
Tuesday in October next being 11th Day of the same Month
& Proclamations issued accordingly.