Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1738, 135
His Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor
Lib. M.
Col Richard Tilghman
Col Matthew Tilghman Ward
Benjamin Tasker Esqr
Philip Lee Esqr
George Plater Esqr
Edmund Jenings Esqr
Col Charles Hammond
Whereas His most sacred Majesty has been graciously
pleased by his Majestys Order in Council of the Eighteenth
of August last in Order to restore and preserve Peace and
Quietness on the Borders of this Province and the Province
of Pensilvania among other things to order and direct "That
' the Governors of the respective Provinces for the time being
' do not upon Pain of incurring his Majestys highest Displeas-
' ure permit or suffer any Tumults Riots or other Outragious
' Disorders to be committed on the Borders of their respec-
'tive Provinces, but that they do immediately put a Stop
"thereto, and use their utmost Endeavours to preserve Peace
" and good Order among all his Majestys Subjects under their
" Governmts inhabiting the said Borders" And whereas
several of the Inhabitants of Pensilvania have been excited by
the Government and Magistrates of that Province to commit
diverse Cruelties and Outrages on many of his Majestys Sub-
jects residing in some Parts of this Province which border on
Pensylvania, And that several Other of the Inhabitants of this
Province living on the said Borders have been seduced by
the Emissaries of the Government and Magistrates of Pensyl-
vania to withdraw and shake off that Obedience which they
owed to the Government and Laws of this Province, and to
abet the Cruelties and Outrages committed on their Neigh-
bours and Fellow Subjects by the Instigation of the Govern-
ment and Magistrates of Pensylvania and their Emissaries,
for which Offences diverse persons are under Prosecution in
the Provincial Court; But in regard it is hoped his Majestys
Royal Interposition will for the future prevent the like Cruel-
ties and Outrages or any Others; Wherefore and to the End
that even those who have been Transgressors may have the
full Benefit and Advantage of the Royal Grace and Favour
His Excellency the Governor with the Advice of his Lordships
Council of State doth hereby order and direct the Attorney
General to enter Noi Proseq on all Indictments or Informa-
tions exhibited and now depending in the Provincial Court for
any Riott Rout unlawful Assembly or other Crime whatsoever
(capital Offences excepted) and to cause or consent to Entries
to be made to discharge all such Persons on their paying the
legal Fees from them respectively due and owing; And it is
further hereby ordered that the said Attorney General shall