have been guilty of cruel Violences particularly on a certain
Mark Webb of Prince Georges County Blacksmith and are
still outlying; And this Board being of Opinion that such
Negroes could not have escaped an Apprehension or being
brought to Justice so long, if the several Sheriffs and Magis-
trates of the respective Counties had upon Information of
these Negroes Behaviour exerted their proper Authorities and
acted as their several Duties and the Good of the Publick re-
quired for their speedy Apprehensions; Therefore for stop-
ping as soon as may be the mischievous Consequences which
may arise from the violent and unrestrained Practices of those
Negroes; I have therefore thought fit with the Advice of his
Lordships Council of State to issue this my Proclamation
strictly ordering and enjoyning the Sheriff of Prince Georges
County that immediately and without Delay but with the
utmost Dispatch and Care he search for and endeavour to
discover find out and apprehend and take those Negroes and
Every of them so that they might be brought to Justice, and
for that Purpose that he raise and take with him the Power
and Assistance of his County if he think it expedient, and
herein We require his strict and punctual Obedience Given
at Annapolis this fifth Day of May in the twenty fourth year
ot his Lordships Dominion Annoq Domini 1738
J Ross Cl Cone.
At a Council held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday the
ninth Day of May in the twenty fourth Year of His Lordships
Dominion Annoq Domini 1738
His Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor