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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 94   View pdf image (33K)
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94 Assembly Proceedings, March 26- April 15, 1707.

L. H. J.

cannot advise his Excellency to sent to the several Counties,
any more than what may be thought necessarily requisite
for a competent Supplement But that pursuant to her Majesty's
Royal Instructions a Place of Arms or publick Magazine of
Arms and Ammunition be kept at the Towns and Port of
Annapolis where the Arms and Ammunition may be well
preserved and on all Occasions be distributed and applied as
his Excellency shall see fit, and this being the Seat of Govermt
where her Majesty's Governor resides and the Courts of Justice
are kept, and Records lodged, it will be highly necessary the
House would consult some Measures for the Safety of the
said Magazine here at this Town and Port. And in Order
thereto since we cannot think the publick Arms well secured
in the Place where at present lodged; therefore it is proposed
(if the House are willing) the said Arms may be lodged in
some of the spare Rooms of the Court House where they
will be far more secure from Fire and preserved from the
Dampness of the Air which occasions them to rust; and that
a select Number of Arms belonging to Ann Arundel County
be hung up in the Court House and fixed by Iron Bars and
Pad Locks that they may not be handled or taken down, un-
less by those who have Authority so to do.
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl. Co.

Which foregoing Message by Colo
Hammond &ta being
again read it is resolved to be answered as follow Viz.

By the House of Delegates April 5th 1707

In Answer to the Message wherein 'tis proposed that a Room
in the Court House be ordered for the Reception of the pub-
lick Arms this House do approve thereof and that the Room
appointed for the Petit Juries be set apart for that Purpose,
but as to the Arms applyed to the particular Use of Ann
Arundel County, being laid up in the Court Room the House
think that will not be convenient, but that the said Arms may
be put into the Room where the publick Arms are appointed
to be kept, if his Excellency do approve thereof. And as to
the Security of Ammunition this House do pray a Conferrence
with her Majesty's Council in Order to settle that Matter
Signed p Order W Taylard Cl. Ho. Del.

p. 122

Sent up by Mr Frisby, Mr Hodson, Mr Howe, Mr John Jones,
Mr Grey, and Mr Woolford
They return and say they delivered the Message.
The Committee of Aggrievances enter the House and report
as followeth Viz.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 94   View pdf image (33K)
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