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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 93   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House, 93

the Care of the Chief Officers if your Excellency shall be
pleased to approve thereof.
Signed p Order W Taylard Cl. Ho. Del.

The House adjourns till to Morrow Morning 7 o'clock.

Saturday 5th April 1707. The House met according to Ad-
journment Being called over were present as yesterday. Read
what was done yesterday
The Petition of Cecil County Delegates being read Resolved
a Town be erected as prayed for. Thomas Tench and James
Sanders Esqrs Colo
Holland and Colo
Jenkins enter the House
and delivers Mr Speaker the following Message directed To the
Honourable House of Delegates. Ordered to be entered as
Gentlemen, I take your Address very kindly and am and
shall be always glad that I have or may do the Province any
Service in General or yourselves in particular. Being Gen-
tlemen Your Friend and Servant, John Seymour.

Hammond, Colo
Lloyd, Colo
Jenkins and Colo
enter the House and deliver Mr Speaker the following Message

L. H. J.

By his Excellency the Governor and Council in Assembly.

The House's Message in advising proportional Parts of the
publick Arms and Ammunition to the several Counties and
committed to the Care of the Chief Officers of the Militia in
the said Counties has been read, and in Reply thereto we ac-
quaint you, that the publick Arms & Ammunition are pur-
chased out of the Quarter Part of her Majesty's Revenue
of the 12d p Hhd. granted by her Majesty for the Defence of
this Province, and that altho' it be sometimes necessary for the
immediate Safety and Defence thereof that some small
Quantity of Arms and Ammunition may be lodged in the
several Counties to be made use of by such who are not
able to procure Arms at their own Cost (as required by the
Act of Assembly for regulating the Militia) at the Chief
Officer's Discretion upon a sudden Invasion or Incursion; yet
in Regard a strict Account of the said Arms & Ammunition pur-
chased with the 3d p Hhd is expected to be given by the
Government here is answerable therefor; and that it has been
found by Experience the small Quantities of Arms and Am-
munition heretofore lodged in the several Counties have been
misused, spoiled, and lost, so that the greatest Part thereof
are unfixt and consumed or rendered altogether useless. We

p. 121

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 93   View pdf image (33K)
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