ment or any Person whatsoever but themselves next reduceing
the sitting of the County Courts to four times in the Year and
the whole Expence of the Provinciall Courts &c Please to Cal-
culate the Charge designed to be saved; You will find it very
Mr Speaker
I have fresh Commands about Sr Thomas Laurence who
alleadges he has injustice done him; I never injured that
Gentn in any manner whatsoever to my Knowledge. There-
fore hope you will find out Some Way to Ease me from his
clamorous complaints and if the house has put any hardshipps
on his Office without considering he holds it by Pattent under
the Great Seale of England, lett it be redressed a Gods name
I am ordered likewise to lay the Conveniency of Mr Dum-
mers Packquett Boates before you; whereby the Governments
on this Continent may very Probably hear from England every
six weeks; as the Plantations in the West Indies constantly
do; for as Correspondence is the life & Sole of all Trade Why
should not we endeavour to reap so Experimentall a Benefitt
with our neighbours and fellow Subjects for such an inconsid-
erable comon Gratuity as Postage therefore heartily recom-
mend Mr Dummers proposalls to Your Consideration.