4 Assembly Proceedings, March 26-April 5, 1707.
And that Posterity may not put an ill Gloss on our good
meaning, I earnestly recomend to You a Serious retrospection
into some Laws not long since revised and left now more am-
biguous than at first, and the amending others lately made,
which were intended for good ones by the house, but are in
reallity, re infecta; Particularly that of Erecting Townes &
Ports, which seems not to be Sufficiently coercive, in some of
the most material Branches, another to outlaw Richard Clarke
whose Crimes are so notoriously aggravated, they crye aloud
for Justice, and therefore cannot doubt of Your ready Concur-
rance in an Effectual Clause for the future Ease and quiet of
her Majesty's good Subjects; nor the rectifying and amend-
ing the others while its in your power, which will Sufficiently
Testify your good honest Intentions to after Ages.
p. 3
I am very glad to give you a remarkable fresh Instance of
her Gracious Majesty's good Inclinations towards us of this
Province in a late Instruction I received to appoint four Itene-
rant Judges, that every man without the fatigue and Charge of
coming hither, may have Justice done him in his owne proper
County. This Gentlemen will be a true incouragement to
Propogate good Learning, and Litterature in the Country that
Your Posterity may qualifye themselves to perform the Dutys
of the highest Stations; for at present that seems to be abso-
lutely necessary; since her Majesty designes you Judges
borne within Your owne bounds, which is really so Indearing
a condescention; You will I hope (like Loyall good Subjects)
ever gratefully Acknowledge.
Her Majestys honble Councill have with me truly considered
of the most proper Methods to render this her Majestys Royal
Indulgent care of us, most Effectually, good to the Publick and
shall Transmit! you a scheme drawne up by the best Advice
we could procure which I doubt not will incourage your ready
Assistance in a Matter of such moment to all; If any disputes
should arise how these Judges should be supported. I would
never have you forgett by whose authority you sitt and on all
occasions to remember our Royal Sovereigns just commands
are too Sacred to be trifled with or neglected, therefore pray
pardon this Early ffriendly caution; whilst it is now in your
Option to have the publiq necessary Levys of the Countrye
circulate within your owne bowells; lest others should be sent
from home & you directed by Authority to disburse it.
The modell intended will not put the Province to so great a
charge as it lyes under at Present; if we take off the Excessive