482 Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 25-Nov. 10, 1709.
Lib. L. L.
No. 64.
shall be from henceforth adjudged, reputed and taken as a
naturall borne Subject of this province and that he by the
authority aforesaid be Enabled and adjudged to all Intents
and purposes to demand Challenge, aske have, hold and Enjoy
any Lands Tenements Rents and hereditaments to which he
might in any wise be Entituled as if he was a Naturall borne
Subject, And also that he shall and may be Enabled to psecute
Maintaine avow Justifie and defend all manner of Actions
Suites, Pleas, Plaints, and other demands whatsoever, as Lib-
erally Frankley freely Lawfully and Securely, as if he was a
naturall borne Subject within this province any Law Statute
Vsage or Custome to the Contrary in any wise Notwith-
November 10th 1709.
Read and Assented too by
the house of Del. Signed
p ordr
W Taylard Clk hd.
Novr 10th 1709
Read and assented too by her
Majtys honble Councill in Assem-
bly and Sign'd p ordr
W. Bladen Cl Council,
p. 393
November 11th 1709.
On the behalf of her most Sacred Majty Queen Anne of
Great Brittaine &c We will this be a Law :
Edwd Lloyd
Wm Holland
Will Coursey
Tho: Ennalls
Thos Greenfield
Cha: Greenberry
Jno Hall
Wm Whittington
An Act to allow the Importation of Bread flower and Indian
Corne from the End of this Sessions of Assembly to the
End of the next Sessions.
Whereas a Great Drowth happened the last Summer
whereby the Cropps of Corne made this yeare are Reported
to be Very Small, for the better Supply of this province and
to prevent any hardships that may happen thereby. Be It
Enacted by the Queens most Excellent majty by and with the
advice and Consent of her Majtys Councill and Assembly of
this province, and the Authority of the same, that is and shall
be Lawfull for any Person or Persons by Land or by Water
from the End of this present Session of Assembly at any time
untill the End of the next Session of Assembly to Import into
this province from Pensilvania or Carolina or any other of her
Majtys Collonys and Plantations any Bread flower and Indian
Corne, a Certaine act of Assembly made at a Session of