Acts. 481
An Act Suspending the Execution of an Act of Assembly Enti-
tuled an Act for the Releif of poor debtors and Languishing
Be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majty by and
with the advice and Consent of her Majtys Councill and Assem-
bly of this province and the authority of the Same that one Act
of Assembly made at a Generall Assembly begun and held at
the Citty of Annapolis the Twenty Eight day of November
one thousand Seven hundred & Eight Entituled an Act for
the releife of poor debtors and Languishing prisoners nor any
Clause thereof shall be put in Execution by any person or
persons whatsoever upon or under any Colour or pretence
whatsoever untill the End of the next Session of Assembly
any thing in the said Act or any other Act to the Contrary
Conteyned notwithstanding. Provided allways that nothing
in this Act shall Extend or be Construed to Extend to debarr
or hinder the Justices of the scverall Couuty Courts to allow
the beneffitt of the said Act to any person or persons that shall
be actually in prison or Custody of any Sherriffe or Goaler upon
any arrest or Execution at or upon the Eight day of November
one thousand seven hundred and nine or that have allready
Claimed the beneffitt thereof anything in this Act to the
Contrary Notwithstanding.
Lib. L. L.
No. 64.
p. 392
Novr 10th 1709.
Read and assented too by
the house of Del :
Signed p ordr
W. Taylard Clk h d
Novr 10th 1709
Read and assented too by her
Majtys honble Councill in Assem-
bly & Sign'd p ordr
W Bladen Cl Council.
Novr 11th 1709
On the behalf of our Sovereigne Lady Queen Anne of Great
Brittaine &c We will this be a Law:
Edwd Lloyd
Wm Holland
Will Coursey
Thos Ennalls
Thos Greenneld
Cha: Geeenberry
John Hall
Wm Whittington
An Act for the Naturalization of Danll Pacquett of Ann
Arrundell County Labourer.
Be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majesty by
and wth the advice and Consent of her Majtys Councill and
Assembly of this province and the authority of the same that
Danll Pacquet of Ann Arundell County Labourer haveing taken
the Severall Oaths appointed to be taken by Act of Parliament