An Act Confirming the title of the Lands therein mentioned
unto Collonell Wm Holland Richard Harrison and Samuel
Whereas Collonell Wm Holland Richard Harrison and Sam-
uel Chew have made it appear to the Generall Assembly of
this province that they had heretofore Employed as their
Trustees and agents John Hyde and Isaac Millner of the Citty
of London in the Kingdom of England Merchants to purchase
for them Certaine Lands Lyeing in Calvert County Called
Abington manner and Dousdall Containing about two
thousand acres (more or Less) Late the Lands of John Abbing-
ton heretofore a Merchant in this province Deceased that the
said John Hyde and Isaac Millner in pursuance of the said
Coll Wm Holland Richard Harrison and Samuell Chews direc-
tions in Referrence to the said purchase, proceeded so ffarr
therein as to purchase from Miriell Abington the Heiress at
Law of the said John Abington by Vertue of a decree for
that purpose made in the high Court of Chancery in the said
Kingdom of England the Lands aforesaid in order to be by
them Conveyed to the said Coll William Holland Richard
Harrison and Samuel Chew, in the proportitions by them
agreed upon that the said John and Isaack have accordingly
Conveyed the same to Richard Harrison and Seth Biggs
deceased in order to be by them further Conveyed and Settled
according to the said Collonell William Holland Richard
Harrison and Samuell Chews agreement Between themselves
which is now done by the said Richard Harrison the said Biggs
being dead, that the said Hyde and Millner being not so Con-
versant with what our Law in this province Requires in order
to the passing of Lands from one person to another omitted
the Getting the said Miriell Abingtons acknowledgment of the
said Lands as our Law Requires in such Cases and the said