shall not be Lawfull for such Sherriffe or Goaler to hold such
person in Custody Longer then six months and if such Person
Can at any time within the said six months produce a Certifi-
cate or other Justification that he or she is no Servant he or
she shall and may by order of any Two Justices of the County
where such person is Committed to Prison be discharged from
any further Imprisonment he or they in Liew of Imprisonment
ffees serving such Sherriffe or Goaler or his or their assignes
so many days as he or they were in Custody of such Sherriffe
and Twenty days or two hundred pounds of tobacco to him or
them who took such Person up or pay ten pounds of Tobacco
p Diem to such Sherriffe or Goaler for Imprisonment ffees and
no more.
And if any Sherriffe or Goaler shall detayne such person in
prison after such order of two Justices or the Expiration of
Six months or payment of Ten pounds of Tobacco p Diem as
aforesaid such Sherriffe or Goaler shall be Lyable to an action
of Faulse Imprisonment any Law Statute Vsage or Custome
to the Contrary Notwithstanding.
And Whereas it is Represented to this Generall Assembly
that there was Lately in Prison in Somersett County an Indian
named Harry who was formerly a servant to Mr Nathll Pope
of Virginia and was taken in Somersett County as a suspected
runaway and Comitted to the Custody of Major John Cornish
the then Sher and by him delivered to Collonel Wm Whiting-
ton the succeeding Sherriffe and afterwards was Comitted to
the Custody of Mr John Bozman the present Sherriff and the
said Major Cornish naveing some time after he was taken up
sent to Acquaint the said Mr Pope that his servant was in his
Custody to wch the said Mr Pope returned Answer he now
disowned him and should not Come for him and the said
Indian haveing often done work as a Servant for all the said
Sherriffs in the time of his Imprisonment,
Be It Therefore Enacted by the authority afd by and wth the
advice and Consent afd that from and after the publication
hereof the abovesaid Indian Named Harry shall be Discharged
from any further Imprisonment or takeing up on the account
afd of running away from the said Mr Nathll Pope & that
neither he the said Indian nor any other person shall be
obliged to pay to the said Sherriffs or any other person any
ffees or other allowance Either for his the said Indians past
Imprisonment or for takeing him up or by means of any Excape
by him made save the sume of Eight hundred pounds of
Tobacco to Coll Wm Whittington who has been at farr greater
Charges in retakeing the said Indian any Law Statute Vsage
or Custome to the Contrary in any wise notwithstanding
Lib. L. L.
No. 64.
p. 386