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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 41   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 41

Came Mr Walters and brought up a Bill for Relief of
Debtors and ascertaining the manner of Tenders in Tobacco.
Then the board taking into Consideration the Charge against
Mr Joseph Hill of Ann Arundell County that he hath Aided
Abetted & Corresponded with Richard Clarke who stands
outlawed for Treason Issued the following Order of the Boarde


directed to the Sherriff of Ann Arundell County Viz.

By his Excellency the Govr & Councill Maryland sst

Whereas it has appeared upon the Oaths of two good Suffi-
cient Evidences that Joseph Hill of Ann Arundell County
Gentn not weighing but forgetting his due Allegiance to our
Sovereigne Lady the Queen hath lately Corresponded with
and Aided Richd Clarke who stands outlawed for Treason by
Act of Assembly of this Province, well knowing the said Richd
Clarke so to stand Outlawed for the Crime and hath not
Endeavoured what in him lay to Discover the said Richard
Clarke and have him Apprehended and brought to Justice
whereby he hath neglected the due Faith Allegiance and Duty
he the said Joseph Hill ought to have and bare to our said
Lady the Queen and the Support and maintenance he ought
to give & Yeild to the Peace and Quiett to this her Majestys
Government by Law Established and has Encouraged the said
Richard Clarke as a false Traytor to Continue and Persist in
his wicked and Trayterous Practices and Attempts to the Ruin
and Subversion of this her Majestys Province and distruction
of her Majestys Subjects the Inhabitants thereof against her
Majestvs Peace, Crowne and Dignity &c.

p. 68

You are therefore hereby Comanded in her Majestys name
upon Receipt hereof to take into your Custody the said Joseph
Hill who is hereby Charged with Misprision of Treason as afd
and his body in her Majestys Goale at Annapolis Safely and
Securely to keep untill such time as he shall be delivered
by due Course of Law there from And for Your so doing this
shall be Your Sufficient Warrant. Given at the Towne and Port
of Annapolis in Ann Arundell County from the Councill board
this 9th day of Aprill in the sixth Year of the Reigne of our
Sovereigne Lady Anne Queen of England Scotland France
& Ireland And the Dominions thereunto belonging &c. Annoq
Dni 1707. Signed p order W Bladen Cl Concil.

To Majr Josiah Wilson Heigh Sherriff of Ann Anrundell
Major Maxwell and Mr Hudson brought up the Supple-
mentary Bill to Townes and Ports Endorsed as follows viz.

p. 69

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 41   View pdf image (33K)
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