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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 40   View pdf image (33K)
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40 Assembly Proceedings, March 26- April 15, 1707.


p. 66

Mr Muschamp and Mr Beale brought up the six following
Bills Viz.
A Bill for the Releif of Thomas Manning.
A Bill for the takeing off the six pence p Gallon on Rum &c
from Pensilvania.
A Bill for Explaining some Doubtfull Clause in the Act for
Limitation of Officers Fees.
A Bill for Naturalization of John Francis Holland
A Bill for Attainder of Richard Clarke
A Bill for killing Wolves and Crowes and An Additionall
Bill for Releif of poor Debtors & Incouragement of Tillage.
Aaron Rawlings of Ann Arundell County Planter called
before the board Acknowledged he ordrd his man and boy to
go with his Teame and assist Richard Clarks wife with her
Goods downe to the Landing which he Says he did in his
Ignorance being told by her boy the Sloope had Entred at An-
napolis and would clear there againe.
His Excny askt him if he did not know Richard Clarke was
Outlawed. He says Yes, but did not Intend to Assist him for
the Woman said She would pay him for the Use of his Teame
His Excny tells him he knew better. After which his Excny
and the board ordrd the said Rawlins should give very good
security in 500 sterl to appear before the Councill at any time
within two months when called upon.
The Boarde Adjourned till nine of a Clock to morrow

p. 67

Wednesday Aprill 9th 1707
The Councill Sate Present as Yesterday.

The Supplementary Bill to the Act for Townes read the first
time and Severall amendments Proposed and Perticularly
Encouragement be given to handycraftsmen to settle in
Townes by exempting them from arrests for their Debts not
Exceeding fifty pound sterl or 10000 tobo
the giving good se-
curity to the Justices of the County Courts for paymt thereof
within three Years time, and sent to the house by Mr Tench
Coll Jenkins & Coll Holland.
A Bill for Recording severall Copys of Wills &c in the
Comissarys Office
A Bill for Releif of Thomas Manning
A Bill for the Attainder of Richard Clarke
A Bill for Naturalization of John Francis Holland and A
Bill for Explaining some Doubtfull Expressions in the Bill for
Limitation of Officers Fees,
having been Read twice at this Boarde are sent to the house
by Coll Lloyd and Coll Ennalls who also carry the Represen-
tation about the Gate house and Towne Fence

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 40   View pdf image (33K)
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