ernmt in exacting ffees not legally due, Altho we think the
Law has already Sufficiently provided against such Abuses
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl Coun.
Mr Vanderheyden and three other members bring from the
House the following Message viz.
By the House of Delegates 2d Novembr 1709
This House desire the Treasurers and Naval Officers Ac-
compts may be laid before them for Inspection that they may
prepare a Bill to lay the Levy and make a Speedy End of this
Session Signed p Order W Taylard Cl Ho Del.
Ordered the said Accounts be laid before this House Sent
to the House the following Message
By the Council in Assembly Novr 2d 1709
Upon Enquiry after some Certificates of Lands in the Sec-
retarys Office. It is said a Book of Returns about the year
1689 is missing and we observing an open Chest Standing
in the free school porch exposed to the weather so that several
Certificates & other Instruments therein relating to Lands are
damnifyed & spoiled amongst which we find several Certifi-
cates of Lands returned near about that Time which are En-
dorsed Entered upon Record 'tho no such record to be found
recommend it to the Consideration of your house whither it
may not be proper to appoint some fitt Person to inspect and
take an Account of these papers and Books if any in that