By the Council in Assembly Novr 2d 1709
The Right honble the Lords of Trade and plantations having
received the Lord Baltimores objections to the Act Requiring
his Agent to certify to the Secretarys Office the Instructions
and Conditions of Plantations with the Fees by them demanded
and obliging his Lordships Deputy Surveyours to qualify
themselves according to Law have desired to be informed of
the reasons for the passing the said Act and what other
observations may be necessary thereupon.
We therefore desire you will take the same into Considera-
tions and make such observations thereon for their Lordships
better Satisfaction as you shall think fitt
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Coun.
Came Col Walter Smith and three other Members who
brought up from the House the following Message
By the House of Delegates Novr 2d 1709.
May it please your Honours
This House have Considered that for the sooner Dispatch
of the Business before them have resolved that your Honours
be desired to join some of the members of your Board with
some members of this House to regulate the Officers fees the
Act expiring this Session
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Coun.
The said Message being well Considered, Ordered the fol-
lowing Answer be sent to the House by Col Greenberry &
Mr Hall