who are hereby Empowered to admitt and suspend them
(Salvo jure Corone) untill her Majtys pleasure shall be known
therein nor shall any Atturney or other pson practizeing the
Law in this province be obliged to pay unto any Clerke of any
County Court any ffee or ffees due to them from any Person
or Persons whatsoever Plaintiffs or Defendants liveing or
Resideing within this province but such Clarkes shall or may
take the same of such Plaintiffs or Defendents in the Countys
where they Live any Law Statute Vsage Custome rule of
Court or order from any persons to the Contrary notwith-
Provided alwais that nothing in this act shall Extend or be
Construed to Extend to give right to any Courts of this prov-
ince to admitt any Attorney or other person practizeing the
Law to practise in any Court that has been allready refused so
to do by his Excellency and her Majestys honble Councill nor
to any person that shall not Quallifie himself by takeing the
oaths appointed to be taken by Acts of Parliment for secureing
the Succession & Limitation of the Crown & better secureing
the Rights & Libertys of the Subject This Act to Continue
for three yeares and from thence to the end of the next Ses-
sion of Assembly after the said three yeares.
By the house of Del 16th December 1708:
Read & assented to by the house of Delegates.
Signed p Order. Richd Dallam Cl: ho: Del.
December the 16th 1708
Then was this bill read and assented to by her Majtys honble
Councill & Sign'd p order
W Bladen Cl. Council
December 17th 1708.
On the behalfe of our Sovereigne Lady Anne Queen of
Great Brittaine &ca I will this be a Law
Jo: Seymour