hundred pounds of tobacco and no more and to her Majestys
Atturney Generall for any action in the provinciall Court at the
suit of her Majesty Indictment presentment or Information the
sume of foure hundred pounds of tobacco and no more any
Law Statute or Custome In any wise notwithstanding.
And be it further Enacted by the authority advice and Con-
sent aforesaid if any Atturney or any other person practiseing
the Law in any of the said Courts doe presume to ask Receive
take or demand any greater or Larger ffee than before by this
act appointed and be thereof Legally Convicted he shall be
uncapable to practice the Law in any Court of this province
for the future.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority Advice and
Consent aforesaid that all bills bonds or other Specialtys taken
by any Atturney or other pson practiseing the Law in any the
aforesaid Courts or any Bills Bonds or other Specialtys taken by
any of the Clarks of any County Court of this province from and
after the end of this Session of Assembly shall be Endorsed
on the back side thereof for what matter or how the same did
become due and for defect thereof all such Bills Bonds and
Specialtys shall be Void any Law Vssage or Custome to the
Contrary notwithstanding.
And be it further Enacted by the authority advice & Con-
sent aforesaid that the ffee and ffees herein before allowed to
be taken by any atturney or other person practiseing the Law
in any of the aforesaid Courts shall be Levyed by way of Exe-
cution in such manner and forme as other officers ffees are or
have been Levied and all and Every the Sherriffs of the
Severall Countys of this province are hereby oblidged author-
ized and Empowred to Levy & Execute the same accordingly
any Law statute or Custome to the Contrary notwithstanding.
And be it further Enacted by the authority advice and Con-
sent aforesaid that no Clarkes of any Courts within this Prov-
ince shall after the end of this present Session of Assembly
deliver to any atturney Sherriffe or other pson any blank writt
or Writts whatsoever on penalty of six thousand pounds of
tobacco one halfe to her Majty her heires & Successors towards
defraying the County Charge Where such offence shall be
Comitted the other halfe to the Informer or him or them that
will sue for the same to be recovered by accon of debt in any
Lib. L. L.
No. 64.
p. 365