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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 33   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 33

Mr Freebornes Petition for Publiq Services refferred to the
house of Delegates & Sent with the two aforegoing Petitions
to the house by Coll Hamond and Coll Lloyd.
The Board adjourned for an hour

Post Meridiem.
The Councill Sate Present as before.
Mr Ennalls brought from the house the following Message.


By the house of Delegates.
Aprill 7th 1707

This house have Considered the report of the Conferrence
(relating to the Gunn Powder) reported to this house that the
Powder remain in the house where it now is under such Guards
as his Exncy the Governour shall think fitt to appoint for the
Security thereof which report this house doe not concur with
because that Method will Entale great and Excessive Charge
upon the Country; but they had rather leave the said Powder
in the house as it is without any guard then put the Country
to more Charge than the Powder is worth.
Signed p order W Taylard Cl h D

Mr Lowe and nine other members bring up a Supplementary
Bill to the Act for Townes and Ports.
Which sd Bill was Endorsed as follows

By the house of Delegates.
Aprill 7th, 1707.
Read the first time
Signed p Order W Taylard Cl h D

His Exncy was pleased to Order the high Sherriff of Ann
Arundell County again to bring before him John Spry Skipper
of the Sloope Margaretts Industry of Virginia and Thomas
Brereton Pretended to be Shipped on board her as a Saylor.
And Accordingly came the said high Sherriff and brought
with him the said John Spry and Thomas Brereton who being
asked by his Exncy if they were willing to Declare the truth of
their Knowledge Relating to Richard Clarke and his Practices
they both of them say they are very willing. And being sworne
upon the holy Evangelists declared as followeth Viz.


p. 54

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 33   View pdf image (33K)
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