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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 32   View pdf image (33K)
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32 Assembly Proceedings, March 26- April 15, 1707.


Towne and also at little Wiccocomico at one Richard Shipleys
John Smit'as or John Sprys where he is now supposed to be.
The Councill adjourned untill nine of the Clock on Munday

Monday Aprill 7th 1707
The Councill in Assembly Sate, Present

His Excellency the Governour
Coll Hamond Mr Cheseldyn
Coll Jenkins Coll Ennalls &
Coll Lloyd Mr Coursey

p. 52

Whereas the Assembly is now sitting and Likely yet to rise
It is Proposed whether it may not be Proper to adjourne the
Provinciall and Chancery Courts for some short time and
thereupon it being debated and Considered to what time the
Provinciall Court should be Adjourned Resolved it be Ad-
journed till the second Tuesday in the same month.
The following Message Sent to the house by Coll Ennalls.

By his Excellency the Govr & Councill in Assembly
Aprill 7th 1707

Upon the houses Message by Mr Frisby and five others
desireing a Conferrence with some of her Majestys honble
Councill in order to Consult the Placing & secureing the Pub-
lick Armes and Amunicon his Exncy has directed the honble
Coll John Hamond Coll Edward Lloyd Coll Francis Jenkins
and Coll Thomas Ennalls to Conferr with the members ap-
pointed by the house to Settle that matter upon the first Notice
given them the Place to be appointed by the Conferees
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl Concil.

p. 53

A Bill against counterfeiting forreigne Coynes of Gold and
Silver read on Saturday last and past with the Amendments
was Transcribed and sent to the house by Coll Edward Lloyd,
Who also carried Thomas Mannings Petition.
The Petition of Charles Kilburne desireing Satisfaction for
some Dollars Stollen from him by Peter Deveaux a French
Prisonr read and recomended to the house of Delegates.
The Petition of Mr Thomas Freeborne desireing Some Sat-
isfaction for his Servant a Criminall Condemned to Perpetuall
Imprisonmt being read at the Board was recomended to the
house of Delegates that the Petition" have Satisfaction made
for his Servant according to his Petition.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 32   View pdf image (33K)
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