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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 292   View pdf image (33K)
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292 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 29-Dec. 15, 1708.

L. H. J

were filled up by the Clerks as they ought; therefore this
Committee offer the same as an Aggrievance to the Honble
House of Delegates and prays the House to consider thereof.
Signed p Order Jno
Beale Ctk.

Resolved it is an Aggrievance but referred for Considera-
tion till the next Session of Assembly
Bill impowering Trustees to sell certain Lands for Redemp-
tion of a Mortgage for the Benefit of Christian Sterling a
Minor. Read the second Time & will pass.
Sent up to the Council by Mr Tyler and Mr Worthington.
They return and say they delivered the Bill.
The Petition of Talbot County Inhabitants relating to the
Removal of their Court House Read. The Honble Major
General Lloyd and Colo
Wm Coursey in the House informed
Mr Speaker what they had to say and then with-drew and the
whole Matter being debated

p 180

Resolved That the Court House continue at Oxford till next
Session of Assembly and that in the Mean Time the Justices
of Talbot County Court give thirty Days Notice to the Free-
holders and others qualified to elect Delegates in the said
County to meet at Oxford at a Day by the said Justices to be
appointed to agree among themselves whether the Court
House shall be continued at Oxford or removed to any other
Place and where and if they cannot agree the Sheriff is hereby
to take a Poll and return the same with all Proceedings therein
to this House the next Session of Assembly for their Con-
sideration. Richard Acton's Petition Read and referred till
next of Assembly and Ordered That the Petitioner lay before
this House the Act of Assembly, Verdict of the Jury and all
Proceedings thereon with the Names of those Persons that did
any Damages on the Land
Ordered That all Committees go out on their Business
Bill for confirming Colo
Contee's Will, Read the second
Time & past for ingrossing.
Bill enabling Trustees to sell Lands belonging to Joseph
and Benjamin Harris
Read the third Time and past for ingrossing
Bill for Naturalization of Benjamin Duffour, Justus Engle-
hard Kitchin & James Roberts Read the third Time and past
for ingrossing
All three Bills sent to the Committee of Laws to be in-
Major Gale from the Committee of Laws enters the House
& delivers Mr Speaker Bill directing the Manner of Electing
and Summoning Delegates &ta
Bill settling the Rates of Foreign Coins in this Province

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 292   View pdf image (33K)
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