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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 291   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 291

By the Committee of Grievances December 6th 1708.

2ndly It's humbly moved by this Committee as an Aggriev-
ance that whereas since the making the Act of Assembly that
gives 20 p Cent upon Protested Bills has been found of ill
Consequence to most of the Inhabitants of this Province, that
has had Occasion to draw Bills, for that most of the Merchants
trading into and residing within this Province to whom such
Bills is made payable, had rather receive the same back protested
than paid where they know the Drawer to be solvent for ————
of the said 20 p Cent which has been great Encouragement
to the said Merchants rather to deal for Money than Tobacco
and the Damages of Protest being so great has occasioned the
Merchants in England to send back so many protested Bills
tho' at the same Time many of them had Effects in their Hands

L. H. J.

to Discharge the same. And also it has been found pernicious
by most of the Inhabitants of this Province for that the Short-
ness of Time for the Payment of the said Bills has occasioned
the Return of many All which is humbly referred to the Con-
sideration of the House of Delegates
Signed p Order Jno
Beale Clk.

Which being read is by the House likewise allowed to be
an Aggrievance and Ordered the Committee of Laws prepare
a Bill to lessen the Damages on Protested Bills to 10 Pounds
p Cent and three Shillings and six Pence Charge of Protest
3dly It's humbly moved to this Committee as an Aggriev-
ance, that whereas for some Time past the several Sheriffs
within this Province has taken upon themselves to adjourn the
Elections from the most usual Places that has been used for
many Years past from Day to Day and from Place to Place
contrary to the usual Method heretofore used which is humbly
offered by this Committee as an Aggrievance to the Inhabi-
tants of this Province therefore prays the Honble House to
take it into Consideration that the same may be redressed as
the Honble House as the shall seem meet
Signed p Order Jno
Beale Clk.

Resolved likewise that it is an Aggrievance
Ordered the Law directing the Manner of electing Dele-
gates &ta be revised
4thly It's humbly offered as an Aggrievance that whereas
the several Practitioners in the Provincial Court has made it
their Business to procure from the Clerk of the Provincial
Court blank Writs to be by them filled up when see fit to the
Disturbance of many of the Inhabitants of this Province and
the Multiplying of Law Suits which would be prevented if they

p. 179

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 291   View pdf image (33K)
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