By the House of Delegates December the 14th 1708
This House are verry sorry the honble Council should hearken
to the cunning subtle Insinuations of any designing Persons
and not look into the Statutes impowering Courts to admitt
Attornys &c 15th Edw: 2d Chap. Ist & 4th H. 4 Chap 18th
and many other which will more truly inform them the Courts
have the only power to admitt Attorneys. And this House
cannot but take notice how easily private Bills pass but when
anything offers for the good of the Country some Persons
throw stumbling Blocks in their way and therefore they pray
the honble Council's Concurrence with this Bill
Signed p order R Dallam Cl Ho Del.
Ordered this message lye on the Board till to-morrow
The Board adjourned till ten of the Clock to morrow
Wednesday December 15th 1708
The Council Sate Present as yesterday
And the message last night by Mr West & five other of the
House's members being taken into Consideration. Resolved
the following answer be sent thereto Viz.