Which being read at the Board as likewise the Bills with
the amendments proposed Ordered the said Bill be Endorsed
and sent to the House of Delegates Viz. Eodem Die. Read
in Council again and this Board cannot Consent to pass the
Bill without the Amendments made therein
To Which if the House of Delegates do not Concur we
desire the Bill may be referred till the next Session.
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Coun.
Sent by Col Holland and Mr Young
Mr Daniel Mariartee Mr Story & Mr Covington bring up
the Bill directing the manner of electing and summoning
Delegates with the following message Viz.
By the House of Delegates Decr 14th 1708
In your message by Col Holland with the Bill directing the
manner of Electing and Summoning Delegates &c This House
cannot see any reason why any Clause should be inserted to
oblige Freeholders to appear at Elections unless it be to draw
them into snares & Fines not being customary in great
As to the Clause being left out of this Bill which was in the
former we cannot see it any Derogation to her Majesty's Pre-
rogative & pray the Bill may pass as it is
Signed p order R Dallam Cl Ho Del.