By the Council in Assembly Decr 13th 1708
Gent. Your Message by Mr Hemsley and Mr Covington
relating to Attorneys &c being read at the Board we find you
have misrecited his Excells order concerning the Admission of
Attornys to plead in this Province in which there is a saving to
all who have rights to that practice Viz. Who have ever been
of any of the Inns of Courts and as to what you assert to be
an Aggrievance and contrary to the known practice of all the
Courts of great Brittain we are of opinion the House is not
acquainted with the practice of the Courts there which we are
well informed is otherwise for that neither the Chancery
Queens Bench Common pleas or Exchequer admitt the Prac-
titioners in their several Courts The Serjeants and Barristers
on Certificate of the Benchers being called by the Queen's
Majesty and the several Attornys admitted and sworn by the
master of the Queens Bench & Prothonotaries of the Common
Nor is the Practice of this Province of such duration to in-
form us of such antient right so that on due Consideration we
can see no Aggrievance but rather an Advantage to the good
people of the province that the Governmt take Care none but
men of known Integrity and Ability are admitted to practice
in the several County Courts who need not apprehend any
bodys Displeasure for defending their Clients whilst they con-
tain themselves from railing and seditious speeches against the
Governml, nevertheless by the said order of Council there is
no Inhibition to the Justices of the Provincial and County
Courts from suspending any Practitioners who give any just
occasion by their Insolence or misbehaviour, but on the con-
trary his Excell has been Satisfied with their so doing, and has
often declared he should be very glad to see the County Jus-
tices assert their Authority on all such occasions
Upon the latter part of your message about the severall mer-
chants keeping stores not in Towns under pretence of his
Excell having given them leave so to do His Excell is pleased
to say he never gave any such leave but that on the applica-