By the House of Delegates December 11th 1708
Whereas your Excell has been pleased with the Advice of
her Majesty's honble Council to order that no Attorny shall
be admitted to plead in any Court of this province without a
Licence first obtained from your Excell and the Council which
with all Submission and respect due to your Excell & the
hon:ble Coun has been represented and seems to be an Ag-
grievance & contrary to the known practice of all Courts of
Law in Great Brittain and the usual practice of all Courts in
this Province and to the manifest Prejudice of her Majesty's
good and Loyal Subjects therein
In regard of its great hinderance to the said Attorney in
performing their Dutys for fear of incurring your Excell'' &
Honours displeasure, and also great Cause of their growing
insolent supposing the Courts of Law have not power to sus-
pend & displace them for their misdeameanours Whose quali-
fications with Submission we presume your Excell will believe
is best known to the Commrs of the County Courts wherein
they practice
For which reasons this House humbly address themselves
to your Excell to order and restore the Several Courts to their
antient Rights of admitting & Suspending the Attorney &
Practitioners and they will take all due Care that none shall be
admitted but such as shall meritt the same by their fair &
honest practice