dressed that our former Gauge may be continued for that the
Tobacco in Virginia being thin and Waxy they can pack three
or four hundred" Tobacco in Cask of their Size more than we
can in Cask of our Size our Tobacco being thin and Chaffey;
And that till her Majesty's Pleasure be known therein our
Gauge, be forty Eight Inches in the Length of the Stave and
the Diameter of the Heading be twenty nine Inches and not
exceeding thirty two Inches and that a fforfeiture of five hun-
dred Pounds of Tobacco for each Cask exceeding the Gauge
be imposed upon every Person or Cooper making or setting
up any such Cask. And that if any Master Mate or Person
belonging to any Ship or Vessel shall crop, squeese or deface
any Tobacco Shipped on ffreight the Master forfeit and pay
five hundred Pounds of Tobacco for each Cask so stripped
squeezed or defaced; and that in Case any Hogsheads exceed-
ing the same Gauge shall happen to be taken on Board by any
Master undiscovered at the Time of taking the same, it may
be lawful or such Master to put such Tobacco on Shore, there
to lie at the Risque of the Owners thereof
And as to that Part of his Excellency's Speech relating to
Divulgers of false News &ta
Its unanimously agreed by the said Conferrees that the Jus-
tices of the Counties have Authority to bind such Persons over
to the next Court who have Power to punish them as Distur-
bers of the Peace and that they cannot find any Law to restrain
such Reports but what will expose innocent Persons to the
Malice of Informers. Signed p Order
Thos Bordley Clk Conferrence
Which being read the House concurs therewith and desire
Mr Speaker to draw up an Address to her Majesty accordingly
And Ordered That the Report with the following Message be
sent to his Excellency and Council
By the House of Delegates October Ist 1708
The above Report being read and debated in the House
was unanimously agreed to and we humbly desire his Excel-
lency and her Majesty's Honble Council's Concurrence there-
with Signed p Order Richd Dallam Cl. H. Del.
Sent up to his Excellency and Council by Mr Hudson and
Mr Covington