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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 177   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 177

teen Shillings and four pence in money as by the said lournall
of Accounts the Same appears but because greater Charge
then what is already provided for and allowed will grow due
from the publick between this time and the tenth day of Octo-
ber next Ensuing it is therefore humbly prayed by this Generall
Assembly, that it may be Enacted,
And be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majty by
and wth the Advice and Consent of her Majtys Governr Councill
and Assembly of this province and the Authority of the same
that the Severall psons hereafter named (that is to say) Thomas
Tench Esqr John Hamond Esqr William Holland Esq and James
Sanders Esq of her Majtys honrble Councill; And Mr Wm As-
quith of Saint Mary's County, Thomas Smyth Esq of Kent
County, Mr Charles Greenberry of Ann Arundell County, Mr
Robert Skinner of Calvert County, Jno
Contee Esq of Charles
County, Mr John Hall of Baltemore County, Mr Nicholas Low
of Talbott County Mr John Maclaster of Somerset! County,
Mr Hugh Ecclestone of Dorchester County, Mr Edward Blay
of Cecell County, and Mr Thomas Greenfield of Prince Georges
County, or the greater part of them are by this Act appointed
to meet together at the town and port of Annapolis on the first
tuesday of October next Ensuing then and there to apportion
the allowances which are already made and allowed upon the
lournall of Accounts afd & also to allow and apportion all
such further Charges as shall appear to them to be justly due
and owing to any pson or psons from the publick. Provided
that the same Publick Charges do not Exceed one hundred

Lib. L. L.
No. 64.

thousand pounds of tobo
and the sume of one thousand pounds
in money more then what is already allowed in the said Jour-
nail of Accounts all which said Sums of tobo
are hereby with
the Advise Consent and Authority afd Enacted to be levyed
and raised by an Equall Assessmt on the Taxable psons of
this province and Collected and paid by the Severall Sherriffs
of the respective Countys as hath been usuall within this
Provided always that in Case his Excellency the Governour
for the time being do Convene an Assembly before the said
first tuesday of October that then this present Act and every
Clause therein Contained shall be void & of noe Effect.

Aprill 14th 1707

Read and Assented to by the house of Delegates.
Signed p order W Taylard Cl h D.

Aprill 14th 1707.

Read and AQsenrpd to by her Majtys honrble Councill
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Councill.

p. 335



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 177   View pdf image (33K)
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